What are Share Nights?

Sharing is caring. Photograph by Mari Arnover
Sharing a thermosflask of tea (chai) on a cold day.

Share your food, drink, music & the real you…
because sharing is caring!
Once a month – every first Friday in Tallinn, from 1800 – onwards!

  • Do you want to share food, drink and lively conversation?
  • Are you tired of empty ‘small talk’, the same boring chatter at networking events? 
  • Do you want to escape from scrolling on your mobile phones and have a real discussion?
  • Do you want to create sincere and ‘present’ connections between human beings? 
  • Do you want to have a genuine conversation and find much more about each other, dig beneath the surface?


‘Share Nights’ are informal gatherings usually @ Tallinn University, for sharing food / drinks (Google Sheet), music (YouTube playlist) and the real ‘you’ with other like-minded curious people who want to make sincere human connections. We want you to be relaxed and secure enough to share successes, failures, experiences, disappointments, good energy and ideas. 

What are ‘Share Nights’ for?
‘Share Nights’ are for the interested and curious, with a mindset geared towards listening, a willingness to understand each other and most of all for those of you with an ability to share! After all, sharing is caring 😊 after all.

‘Share Nights’ are for socialising and for creating authentic connections. We intend to bring international and local university people and friends outside university life together to humbly and respectfully share, listen, learn and be inspired by each other. There is no hierarchy here, we don’t really care about your position or your qualifications! We are all just human beings making our own unique journeys through life and most of us are craving authentic connections with others and tired of fake, empty vacuous conversations. Listening but also sharing something of yourself is key.

How do ‘Share Nights’ work?
We will try to create a safe, comfortable, welcoming, enjoyable, friendly, kind, supportive and non-judgmental space. We will also bring cups, glasses, plates, cutlery, loudspeaker etc. to serve food, drink and music. We want people to come who are willing to authentically ‘share’ things about themselves with others, food, drink, music and conversation.

Food and Drinks – What can I share? 
Your contributions make ‘Share Nights’ what they are! We would really welcome it if you could share things such as:

  • Something to eat (please ensure you know the ingredients in case of allergies etc for others)
  • Something to drink

Both can be self-made or a new discovery from retail that you want to share and experience together for the first time. Food and drink are even better if they come with a heart-warming sincere story behind them, which can be a great conversation starter, e.g. a sweets from childhood, holiday, a favourite guilty pleasure, a drink from an unforgettable summer vacation etc., something new etc. It really helps if you bring something because this represents your willingness to share. If you bring nothing, then it is not fair on those who did and it is not in keeping with the spirit of sharing. The clue is in the name, ‘ShareNights’.

The real you – What can I share? 

We want you to be prepared to show yourself, the real you, there is no rush, but turning up is the first stepEach month, we will try to explore different themes of ‘sharing’. There are no ‘hidden’ agendas, or pressure here, however there is definitely no hiding behind your mobile phones. Please try to leave your work persona at the door. Your position and your qualifications don’t really matter here! We just want an authentic human being to show up, someone who is willing to truly share something with other human beings in a safe and kind way.

What would we like from these sessions? Simply, we would love genuine friendships to develop and for each of us to show the positive side of our authentic humanity.

What does it mean to be human?
We hope ‘Share Nights’ will explore this more deeply. Often we have been inspired by this song from the group ‘Oh Wonder‘ to give you an idea of where our hearts are:

Motivation behind ‘Share Nights’
We decided to organise these ‘happenings’ because we felt there was a distinct lack of events which overtly and intentionally try and facilitate a true human connection between people. We believe it is something all of us truly crave, life is too short for constant meaningless chitchat. Meetups are fine, but some of us want to get beyond the ‘superficial’, the empty, so ‘Share Nights’ are meant for those people who want the same thing. This is no ordinary series of events, it’s based on a good intention to ‘hang out’ with like minded people and share.  If you like what you read and it corresponds with your own values, you just need to pluck up the courage to turn up and share when the need arises.

Registering for ‘Share Nights’ and when?
It’s better if you register for the next ‘Share Night’: http://tiny.cc/sharenights-tln-form so we can keep an eye on the numbers.

Where do ‘Share Nights’ take place?
‘Share Nights’ usually take place at Tallinn UniversityMare building (Uus-Sadama 5) 3. floor ELU (life) area unless specified (e.g. if there is a national holiday or the university is closed).

Share Nights in 2022-2023 were/are:
In 2022, 5 August, 2 September, 7 October, 4 November, 2 December
In 2023, 6 January, 3 February, 3 March, Thursday 6 April, 5 May, June 9, September 8, October 6, November 3, December 1

Share Nights in 2024 are:
In 2024, 12 January, 9 February, 1 March, 5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 5 July…

They usually take place on the first Friday of the month.

Idea of  ‘Share Nights’ and organisers
‘Share Nights’ are an idea by Mahendra Mahey and Aija Sakova and are usually hosted and run by them or other like minded friends/colleagues.